In a nutshell? Ron Paul is exactly like me. Okay, politically speaking-I am not a older gentleman who has served as a doctor in the military during Vietnam, an OB/Gyn practitioner, and a Congressman for the 14th District of Texas. But if I were, we would be identical twins.
Ron Paul believes in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. He is an ardant defender of the Constitution and is willing to stand up and make the changes necissary to bring our country back to the laws of our founding documents-namely the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. He is the only politican out there who feels like we do-what has happened to America and how do we get it back?
I believe good way to start on the road back to our roots as a great nation would be to elect Ron Paul.
I am no one special. I am a mom before anything. I am a concerned citizen. I am not wealthy, nor am I a business owner or a lobbyist. I am just an average person who wants to know that my country is heading in the right direction. I am a MOM who wants to know that the country I love will someday be a place where I know my son will be safe from an overpowering and over zealous federal government that is intent on joining a world government that I not only do not support, but do not have the "right" to vote on. I am a person who would never, in a million years, have donated to someone's political campaign....until now.
I am using my spare change to support real change in the American government, and to support Ron Paul for president, because at least then I can vote and feel that I am doing the right thing for my country and my family.