Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Making Change Starts Here

Here it is-my change for Change. I am starting today with $1.49 in money found under my couch, in the bottom of my purse, and in between the seats of my car.
I am not a wealthy person by any stretch of the imagination-but when I believe in something or someone I think it's important to do everything I can to work for it.
I believe in Ron Paul.
I am not a person that has ever gotten behind a politician before, let alone planned on giving my money to a political campaign. Truth be told, I have been so disillusioned by the people in office-all offices-these days that I was going to have trouble picking who was the least terrible for 2008 and still feel good about voting for them. Luckily with some handy reasearch I found out that Ron Paul is running. After reading what he had to say it was like if I were running for office (and were an older gentleman who has been both a congressman and an OB/Gyn). Everything I feel politically is there. I am still searching for something that I disagree with him on.
Here's something even better-he votes according to what he says! He didn't just "disagree" with the Patriot Act but still vote for it. You can check out his voting record on Congress' website and you'll find like I did that it matches every word he says. Truth is rare and invaluable in politics these days.
So how much does it cost to be taken seriously as a presidential candidate? In reality-between $50 million and $100 million. I know that in that perspective (or practically any perspective) $1.49 isn't a lot of money- though eventually there will be more, as I add all of my change into it over the next 9 months-but just think of this: if every person in the United States donated $1.49 that means we could raise $444,681,880.35-and that is a lot of money~over four times as much as it takes to run a campaign that gets attention! So start gathering the change and make a difference!
If you support Ron Paul on your website, or start your own change for Change box/jar/bucket just email me and I will link to your site!